Welcome in the Lab! This is the place where new ideas are born, experiments are held and other inspiring initiatives are brought into the world. This is the starting place for taking the potential of the Mangabots and the community to the max! Together we build, together we grow!

The Mangabots Vision

The Mangabots are looking for a better and happier world in which all creatures live in harmony with each other, whilst respecting the environment and society. In order to build this better worlds, the Mangabots will initially focus on the following areas: • Joy • Social responsibility • Environmental Sustainability

The Mangabots Kaizen Framework

To be able to build and grow the Mangabots, the Founding team understands that the best input and ideas come from the community itself. By truly listening to and supporting our community, we create the perfect conditions for continuous change and improvement: transparency, mutual respect, commitment, participation and empowerment of the Mangabots.

Growing together is not only about making impact, but also ensuring we can keep high levels of impact by using iterative continuous improvement cycles. Having a background in several project and process management methods in both the IT and non IT sector, the Founding team combined all the best and most suitable elements for Mangabots into one new framework: The Mangabots Kaizen Framework.

Kaizen is the Japanese word for Change (‘Kai’) for Better (‘Zen’) and is mainly used in the Lean methodology. In this context Kaizen stands for continuous improvement across all processes and boundaries and involves all employees, regardless of their function and role.

In the Mangabots Kaizen Framework we consider a Kaizen as a process from start to finish in which an idea is explored, validated by the communit and launched as part of our dynamic roadmap.

In short, we see a Mangabot Kaizen as an idea, suggestion or even improvement on current activities with a direct contribution to the Mangabots vision.


Our Way of Working: from idea to growth

Step 1: Explore

Step 2: Kaizen